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Role: Gameplay Programmer ​

Time of Development: 1 Week​

Team Size: 6

Dive deep into the depth of an ancient temple known as Sanctuary Of Faith as a goblin adventurer whilst fighting vast amounts of "Ancient Beings Of The Past" that guard the relics you seek to collect.

Developed during the Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2, I focused on game progression systems, AI, and weapons.


Unity3D, Github, Trello, Miro

Core Ownerships

Spawning and Level Progression System

Implemented a spawning system to handle enemy spawning and property values for difficulty scaling. I opened up several variables for designers and artists to tweak throughout the development cycle. These open variables included:

  • Spawnable enemy class to place enemy prefabs.

  • Max number of enemies that can be spawned at once.

  • Probability for the key to drop on enemy death on each floor.

  • Scale increases values for enemy health, movement speed, and damage per floor.

  • Floor settings to tweak boundaries for enemy distance, key placement, and spawn location.

Enemy Spawning and Bullet Types

Enemies Spawning and Bullet Types

Level Generation System

The core mechanic of the game allows the player to smash through multiple floors as they like, essentially entering a new level. I implemented a non-complex procedural generator in which a new floor instantiates when the player destroys a level.

  • I scripted the system only to allow five levels at a time.

  • I created a custom class within the system to allow for smaller assets (such as crates) that can potentially be added to a generated level to fill the play spaces.

  • A major issue was that the Nav Mesh Surface needed to be rebaked constantly at run time for enemies to spawn properly.

Floor Generation

Level Breaking and Generating

Enemy NPCs and Weapon Bullet Types

I contributed to the enemy AI scripting by implementing all the movement behaviors and several weapon bullet types for them to wield. The implementation was designed to offer players surprise mixed encounters for each level to prevent them from remaining stagnant.

  • Three different variations of the movement included:

    • Defense (slow, moving towards the player, lower rate of fire)​

    • Offense (fast, moving towards the player, quick rate of fire)

    • Evade (fast, runs from player, bullet spread damage)

  • Several bullet types I implemented included:

    • Semi-Auto​

    • Full-Auto

    • Burst

    • Cone Blast (Shot-gun)

Tutorial Event

Close to submission time, I quickly implemented a dynamic text-based tutorial on the first floor to guide the player through the game.



Post Mortem

This was my first time working with a team of six in a game jam. It was a huge relief to not only have a well-organized team with smooth development production but also to focus on my specific tasks rather than a whole game. I strictly focused on developing core systems for the game and enemy AI abilities. However, communication and design iteration were a major takeaway here. I had to reiterate the spawn systems several times to allow others on the team to tweak propriety values for game balancing. I also opened up variables and refactored the level generation script for designers to add new assets, like the crates to each floor.

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